We live in a time of polarization intensified by a complex clash of conflicting cultural values, extreme religious convictions, uncompromising political ideologies, unresolved racial inequities, and unparalleled economic disparity. Over the next several years, Goose Creek Studio will host a series of curated exhibitions sponsored by the work and mission of the Portiuncula Guild that focuses on images and symbols at the center of this polarization.
Both Goose Creek Studio and Portiuncula Guild share a conviction that one of the most profound and noble purpose of the arts is in exercising over society a positive power to create dialogue that seeks both truth and reconciliation. The arts have a unique ability to bridge our current polarization and inspire a desire to bring the world back to a better harmony. Goose Creek Studio and Portiuncula Guild are convinced that this bridge-building is best done through storytelling. Stories allow us to connect our lives to others and place our current struggles within the larger context of human history. When we explore a sacred story, a cosmic myth, or even a profound personal experience, we create a natural place to address issues of worthiness, judgement, mercy, and forgiveness. When we highlight human heroism, or the wounded and seemingly unworthy parts of our lives and other’s lives, we create the opportunity to advocate for the dignity and worth of all humanity and the summon our better angels. Stories can give us a sense of belonging, meaning, and invite us to help build community and work to foster social change and reconciliation.
The series title come from a famous phrase in Dr. Martin Luther King’s last Sunday sermon; “we shall overcome because the arc of the moral universe is long, but it bends toward justice.” For Dr. King, any human struggle must be understood in the broader context of how God has structured the world, the universe, and all of creation. Overcoming current injustices and restoring all humanity to the fullness that God intended can only be understood in the long history of God’s work in the world. The work of love and justice is not simply waiting for God to do something, this is work that is always a divine/human collaboration. This work is also founded on a belief that God has embedded in all humanity an image of his own love and justice that can be reawakened through witness amid conflict. Dr. King recognized that all human hearts could grow and change, so therefore the work of love and justice must always be hope-filled and non-violent.
Established in 2013, Portiuncula Guild is a faith-based 501c3 working at the intersection of faith, craftsmanship, and creative expression. The work of the guild is to build mutually supportive creative relationships, foster conversations around the connection between art and faith, sponsor exhibitions and live performances, provide opportunities for prayer, yoga, and meditation, as well as seek out artistic collaborations at local festivals in which art can help build community and work to foster social change and reconciliation.